This tip is for more established bloggers and it's about a handy tool called Social Meter which can help you to measure how the kind of impact your blog or site is having around a number of various social platforms. It measures the number of links back to your site and allows you to click through to them to see who and how you are being referred to.
- It also you to check out other people's sites to see what kind of 'social noise' they are generating too. This can be really useful if you want to start looking at which community sites or blogs you would like to comment on and how popular they are.
- If you are writing about a site or web app, you can also use it to check out what other people are saying about it and find other references to link to.
- You can also use it as a KPI (key performance indicator) to measure the success of your site by checking back regularly to see how your score is improving.
So here is what you do:
- Go to the social meter site at:
- Click where it say 'Get bookmarklet' and then from the page it takes you to, drag the bookmarklet to your bookmarks tool bar om your browser.

- Now go to a site that you want to measure and then click the bookmarklet. It will scan the services for links and mentions and display a score for the site and a breakdown of the links.

- Just click on the name of the service to check the sources of the various links.
- If you prefer not to use the bookmarklet, you can just paste in a URL and click on 'Check'

So, lots of really handy information and it's quick and free. I hope you find it useful.
How about you?
- Do you monitor your online reputation?
- What tools do you use to measure the impact your work is having?
Totally depressing! I tried both my blog and website and both came up as columns of zeros! Once I dried my eyes, I became a tad suspicious of this. So I put in your blog and got the same except for Google links. I went back to mine and some Google links had now appeared. But when I clicked I found I did have some entries (phew!). So I confidently clicked on some others and found their zeros were mostly right. So I'm depressed again now!
Hi Johanna
I've also found that the 'scoring' doesn't always work, so it is always worth checking the different services to see what links if any there are.
Don't be too depressed though, it's likely tat not all of these services have significant audiences that are relevant to your content. If you believe they have, then it shows you where you need to start doing some work, so that's useful information and you can start working on a strategy for it.
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